Hellow peeps.
I'm here to update about Jynn's birthday celebration @ iceice baby.
I know it's late but don't blame on me.

Haha , she very pretty & cute ! Sometimes very funny also.
But IDK why her good friend is a very lowheng fan jian de KT !!!
He perli my camera small !!! Hate die him.

Okay I lose Ki jie -.- .
She really do until very nice.
JYNN OOI, Next year will be very nice liao.
For your information, I done my mid term test & presentations.
My Mirco & Macro's result wasn't that bad .
But my ECS , ( ... )
I'm waiting for my socialization & AE result .
I want an iPod Touch & BlackBerry !!
Okay, I already skipped classes for 1 week . :DDD
Very syok okay ?
But quite sad cause knew something from my mum about my grandma :c
Hope she can recover soon !
OKAY last paragraph ..
I very fat now.....
I feel like dying lo.
I don't have any confident already .... REALLY :c
JIAJIA JIAYOU ! ( keep fit ! )
byebye XOXO.